Further Studies
November 20, 2008 by admin
The fitness industry is definately one where you either move forwards or backwards, there is no time to be standing still! I am hoping to achieve CHEK Practitioner Level 2 by the summer 2009 and am starting to complete the pre-requisite exams i need to pass first.
There are two i hope to have passed by April 2009, one is called Equal but Not the Same and focuses on specific training considerations for females. The other is Advanced Program Design which looks at the science behind writing programs for athletes and is a step on from the Program Design course i completed as part of my CHEK Exercise Coach qualification.
Wish me luck!!
Flatter Stomach!!
November 20, 2008 by admin
Learn the secret behind achieving a flatter stomach without having to resort to dangerous dieting or having to exercise until you drop!! By training the abs in a smart, effective way you can flatten your stomach for good and improve your posture and well-being at the same time!!!
The abdominals have an important function and are essential in maintaining good posture and preventing injury. If your abdominals do not work properly you are missing an essential protective mechanism for stabilization of the spine.
Part of my initial assessment looks at the health of the abdominal wall. I also look at diet as certain foods can have a major effect on the health and functions of your abdominals. If certain muscles are not firing as well as they should i use simple, effective techniques to get them woking again. Not only will you be preventing injury by having fully-functioning abs, your stomach will be flatter and more toned as well!!!